My guess is by now everybody reading this has seen the Project Veritas videos of Pfizer Director of Research and Development Jordon Trishton Walker. If not, click here.
"I was lying to impress a date." That's the best defense he could think of, when confronted with his own words played back at him.
He claims to be working for a company that is "literally helping people," so why would he need to lie about what he is doing?
Of course, he wasn't lying. When he was chortling about the revolving door between the drugmakers and the regulatory agencies that are supposed to protect us, he was telling the truth. And a sordid ugly truth it is.
These are matters literally of life and death, but to him it's all a big joke. This is a hollow man -- one who feels no allegiance to anything greater than himself, who with all his education seems unable to think of any aspirations any higher than the creature comforts afforded by the lavish salary paid by Pfizer (although not for much longer, in all likelihood).
It would be interesting to know his back story. My guess is he is overmortgaged and maxxed out on his credit cards, all in pursuit of new luxuries to titillate his ever-more-jaded palate. Even if he could think of something better to do with his life, I don't think he could escape the gilded cage he has created for himself.
What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul?
We've peeked behind the curtain and seen the real face of evil. No secret cabals in black robes and hoods plotting the depopulation of the earth, just a bunch of frightened little men and women with no higher goal in life than meeting their quarterly sales targets.
This guy is the personification of the banality of evil.
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Re: Jordon Trishton Walker and the Banality of Evil
4:32 PM (10 minutes ago)
to Patrick
Dear Patrick Thank you
They are simply the scum of humanity with plenty more floating beneath whatever pond of corruption they are polluting. The horror is that they spawn more and more of the same species,
best wishes
susanne stevens
On Mon, Jan 30, 2023 at 11:02 AM Patrick D Hahn from Patrick D Hahn <> wrote: